Thursday, April 24, 2014

Purex No Sort for Colors - Laundry Detergent Giveaway

I'm a lazy launderer. I let it pile up, realize I don't have any clean socks and then think, "Hmmmm... maybe I should do some laundry." Doing a hundred different loads just isn't realistic for me. I'm sure you guys and gals are busy with a million things too. Wouldn't it be totally awesome sauce if we could just throw all our clothes in the washer together and know that those little babies would be safe?

Enter Purex No Sort for Colors!
 I know what you're thinking. "Rachel, What about new clothes? What about jeans?" Like any new clothes or jeans you will want to wash them a few times first (Purex recommends at least 5) but then feel free to mix them all together, wash them on cold and ta da! How does this work?

Purex No Sort for Colors detergent has Anti-Color-Transfer Technology which traps loose dyes in the wash so it doesn't settle on other fabrics.  This sounds like the end of the problem I always have.  If a clothing item is many different colors (including white) now I know exactly which detergent I need to use! 

Want to check it out for yourself?  Enter our giveaway now!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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