Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Be Honest. Who wants FREE Purex Triple Action Detergent?

Summer time is play time around our house and that also means an assortment of stains. I use Purex Triple Action because it works, is less expensive and smells wonderful! Who can resist sniffing fresh, warm towels straight from the dryer? Not me!
CLICK HERE to check out the Let's Be Honest videos from Purex and be sure to register to win 1 of 3 coupons for a FREE bottle of Purex Triple Action detergent (up to $6 value). Earn up to 20 entries below! Good luck everyone and have an amazing time getting dirty! a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!!

  2. Oops....forgot to tell you that I personally like the video where the lady is waiting for her laundry to get done and compares it to waiting for water to boil!!
